General Campervan Rental Conditions
Campervan rental
The rental contract created when booking is personal and can be sent on request. The information below is additional. The rental contract created when booking is personal and can be sent on request. The information below is in addition.
1.1. A deposit of 30% of the total amount, excluding taxes, is required to confirm the reservation.
1.2. The remaining 70% (including the selected options) will be charged 7 days before the departure date without further authorization.
1.3. Only Visa and Master Card credit card payments are accepted.
1.4. A 2.95% fee for international transactions applies for each payment and is non-refundable, according to the platform terms.
1.5. Taxes (GST and QST) are applicable on all charges related to the rental.
1.6. We reserve the right to move your reservation to a similar vehicle to the one reserved in case it is not available. In case that no vehicle is available, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers will advise you to find a solution or will proceed to a refund, if applicable.
1.7. In the case of a reservation, instant or not, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers reserves the right to add additional applicable fees (options, young driver fees, departures and returns on holidays fees, animals, etc.) to the initial reservation without further notice or delay.
1.8. If additional costs must be added to the tenant’s initial invoice following the return of the vehicle, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers reserves the right to immediately charge these costs without further notice or delay on the credit card entered in the file. Price list can be provided on request.
2.1. A $1500 security deposit will be frozen on a credit card the day before departure and returned, in its entirety, within 7 to 10 business days following the return of the vehicle. It is your responsibility to have the necessary funds available on the credit card.
2.2. The security deposit is retained until Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers has confirmed that no damage has been observed on all vehicles. This evaluation will be done during the inventory, when the vehicle is returned, as well as during the complete interior inspection at the time of cleaning, the same day or the following day.
2.3. Part or all of the security deposit may be cashed to reimburse damages linked to damage or accidents. Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers reserves the right to set off immediately, without further notice or delay, on part or all of the security deposit.
2.4. If damage is caused to the vehicle, an estimate will be requested from the Baroudeur – Vanpackers partner garage and the amount of the repairs will be deducted from the security deposit. If the amount is higher than the security deposit, we will contact you. In the event that the amount of damage exceeds the amount of the security deposit, the balance will be billed to the credit card on file, up to the maximum amount of the designated deductible (depending on the protection chosen).
3.1. Standards Cancellation policies:
- Cancellation free of charge 48 hours after booking confirmation (does not apply if departure in less than 14 days).
- Until 30 days before your departure : 100% refund of deposit, less an administrative fee of $75 +taxes in case of complete cancellation OR credit equivalent to the amount of the deposit applicable until the end of the next summer rental season.
- Between 29 and 15 days before your departure: We keep the full deposit in case of a complete cancellation OR credit equivalent to the applicable deposit amount until the end of the next summer rental season. .
- Between 14 and 7 days before your departure : We keep the totality of the deposit.
- Less than 7 days before your departure : The total amount of the reservation (including taxes, protection and options) will be charged as described in our payment policies.
3.2. No refund will be issued for early return or late possession.
3.3. Following the confirmation of the reservation, we offer the possibility of making one (1) modification of rental dates free of charge, up to 15 days before departure and according to our availability, provided that this does not reduce the number of initial rental days. Any subsequent change of dates will be billed at $75 +taxes. No refund will be issued in the event of a reduction in the number of days.
3.4. In the case of a definitive cancellation following a postponement (without a new reservation made), we keep the amount of the deposit as defined in the cancellation policy applied. The credit can only be carried forward once.
4.1. All drivers must be at least 21 years of age when they take possession of the vehicle.
4.2. If the drivers are between 21 and 24 years old, it is mandatory to mention this when booking. Otherwise, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers reserves the right to cancel the reservation (standard cancellation policies apply).
4.3. Drivers must hold a valid driver’s license from Canada, USA or a country of the European Union, which will be subject to the acceptance process of our insurer. The Baroudeur – Vanpackers disclaims all responsibility if the insurer refuses to validate the driver.
4.4. The driver’s license must be presented when taking possession of the vehicle.
4.5. Drivers in possession of a probationary driving license are not allowed to drive the vehicle.
4.6. Only the drivers registered in the booking and having a driving license previously validated by our insurers can drive the vehicle during the entire rental period.
4.7. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your driver’s license is valid. Please check with the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).
5.1. La durée minimum de location d’un véhicule est de 4 jours en basse saison, et 5 jours en moyenne et haute saison. Les dates inscrites sur le site internet du Baroudeur – Vanpackers sont celles en vigueur.
5.2. La durée de location est déterminée en fonction du nombre de jours (et non de nuit).
5.3. La prise de possession du véhicule doit se faire selon l’heure de rendez-vous ou le mode de départ convenu avec Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers. En cas d’impossibilité de récupérer le véhicule dans les temps, merci d’aviser Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers par courriel ou au téléphone.
5.4. Le retour du véhicule doit s’effectuer avant 16h le dernier jour de location. Tout retard sera pénalisé par des frais supplémentaires de 50$/heure +taxes, calculés au prorata.
5.5. Un retard tardif de plus de 2 heures sera facturé au montant d’une journée de location supplémentaire.
5.6. Toute demande d’extension de séjour doit être faite par courriel à l’adresse [email protected] et devra être confirmée par l’équipe du Baroudeur – Vanpackers par courriel. Dans le cas où une extension de séjour est faite sans la confirmation de l’équipe du Baroudeur – Vanpackers, des frais de retard à hauteur du double du montant journalier de la location plus 500$ +taxes seront facturés.
5.7. Les journées ajoutées à la location seront au tarif en vigueur au moment de la demande et peuvent différer du tarif original.
5.8. Aucun départ ne pourra être effectué le dimanche. Aucun retour ne pourra être effectué le samedi.
6.1. Each rental includes 220 km per rental day.
6.2. Additional prepaid kilometer blocks must be purchased before the departure and are non-refundable. A maximum of 1000 km extra per location can be added.
6.3. Each additional kilometer will be charged at this price : 1 to 500 km : $0.35/km +taxes; 501 km to 999 km : $0.50/km +taxes; 1000 km and more: $1/km +taxes.
6.4. The vehicle is delivered with a full tank and must be returned with a full tank. Proof of the invoice may be required in case of doubt. It is your responsibility to use the correct fuel. In the event of negligence, you should contact Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers as soon as possible. All repair costs are your responsibility.
6.5. In non-compliance with the previous point (6.4), an administrative fee of $10 as well as gasoline costs will be billed to the credit card entered in the reservation file without further notice.
6.6. You are responsible for the cost of fuel consumption during the rental period. The use of the correct fuel is your responsibility. In case of doubt, please contact Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers.
7.1. A departure and return inventory will be made in the presence of the tenant and must be signed by both parties. It is the renter’s responsibility to inform Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers of any defect or condition deemed unsuitable on the vehicle
7.2. When the vehicle is in motion, the number of passengers may not exceed the number of seat belts approved.
7.3. The driver is entirely responsible for respecting the road safety code in force in the region where he is located.
7.4. The renter of the vehicle is responsible for paying any fine, towing or toll received during the rental period, including speeding tickets recorded by photo radar.
7.5. For each fine or toll charge issued during the rental period that has not been paid, the lessee authorized Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers to collect the amount due, in addition to the administrative fee of $10 +taxes, without further notice, via the initial rental payment method..
7.6. The costs related to the change of tires or the windshield are the responsibility of the tenant (except with Premium protection).
7.7. Only travel to the following Canadian provinces is authorized with vehicles: Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland (except Newfoundland and Labrador). All other provinces and/or territories and/or the United States of America and/or Mexico are prohibited. In the event that a vehicle is found outside authorized territories, a fee of $1000 +taxes, in addition to insurance costs, tolls and associated damages, will be billed immediately, without notice.
7.8. You must maintain the vehicle in good working order for the entire rental period. In case of doubt that could jeopardize the safe use of the vehicle, you must immediately stop using it and contact Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers.
8.1. Il est strictement interdit de fumer (tabac et/ou cannabis) dans le véhicule. Si cette condition nʼest pas respectée, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers facturera des frais de 250$ +taxes pour le nettoyage du véhicule.
8.2. Le véhicule vous est fourni propre et doit être retourné propre (poubelles et déchets jetés, absence de nourriture dans la glacière et le réchaud). Une liste aide-mémoire vous est fournie au départ. En cas dʼabus avéré, notre équipe se réserve le droit de charger des frais de nettoyage pouvant aller jusqu’à 250$ +taxes. Dans un tel cas, un représentant de Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers confirmera les frais applicables lors de l’État des lieux, au retour du véhicule.
8.3. Tout bris du véhicule résultant dʼun usage excessif sera facturé pour couvrir les frais de réparation et/ou de remplacement selon les prix établis sur la liste du matériel du Baroudeur – Vanpackers (voir 2.3 et 2.4)
8.4. Nous acceptons un (1) chien dans nos véhicules pouvant accueillir 2 personnes (frais en sus). Seuls les chiens sont acceptés. Les animaux ne sont pas autorisés à dormir dans la tente de toit. Un nettoyage préalable au retour du véhicule devra être fait pour retirer tout poils ou traces apparentes sans quoi, nous facturons des frais de nettoyage supplémentaires de 250$ +taxes.
8.5. Si vous emmenez votre animal sans en informer le Baroudeur – Vanpackers, des frais de 250$ +taxes seront facturés pour non-respect de cette règle. Vous devez contacter lʼéquipe du Baroudeur – Vanpackers au préalable pour en discuter.
8.6. Vous devez impérativement ramener tous les équipements du véhicule tels quʼils étaient lors de votre départ (propres et fonctionnels). Une liste des équipements peut vous être fournie sur demande.
8.7. Il est de votre responsabilité de prendre soin des clés du véhicule jusquʼà votre retour dans nos locaux. En cas de négligence (perte/vol/dégradation des clés), les frais liés au remplacement de la clé seront à votre charge.
8.8. Vous devez prendre soin du véhicule et vérifier les différents niveaux de liquides. Si une panne ou bris de moteur survient alors que le contrôle des niveaux nʼavait pas été effectué, vous serez tenu responsable et il vous sera demandé de payer les réparations qui y sont liées.
8.9. Le véhicule est livré avec 4 pneus en bon état et leur état a été contrôlé préalablement. Si lʼun ou plusieurs dʼentre eux venaient à être endommagés, il est de votre responsabilité de le/les remplacer immédiatement à votre charge (excepté avec la protection Premium).
8.10. Vous devez impérativement vous arrêter si lʼune des lumières du tableau de bord indiquant un problème mécanique venait à sʼallumer ou si vous constatez un problème sur le véhicule. Un tableau des voyants vous est fourni à titre indicatif.
8.11. Les éventuels dommages constatés au retour d’un véhicule feront lʼobjet dʼune évaluation par un expert indépendant. Pour les dommages ne rendant pas le véhicule impropre à la circulation ou l’utilisation ou ce dernier nʼest pas immobilisé, lʼexpertise sera effectuée lors de la restitution du véhicule. Le locataire pourra solliciter la réalisation dʼune contre-expertise. Une immobilisation du véhicule à cet effet entraînera des frais dʼimmobilisation correspondant au loyer du véhicule selon le tarif de location en vigueur au moment de l’immobilisation du véhicule.
8.12. Le locataire accepte expressément dʼindemniser Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers de lʼéquivalent monétaire du dommage au véhicule, à hauteur du montant à sa charge, si sa responsabilité est établie.
8.13. Nous demandons au locataire de prévenir Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers, par courriel ou téléphone, en cas dʼéléments brisés et/ou manquants au moins 48h avant le retour du véhicule. Dans le cas où cela n’est pas possible, il sera nécessaire d’indiquer les éléments brisés et/ou manquants lors de l’État des lieux, au retour. Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers se réserve le droit de facturer le prix des dommages sur la carte de crédit inscrite au dossier de réservation.
9.1. All prices are in Canadian dollars.
9.2. All prices are quoted before taxes (GST/QST).
9.3. The Baroudeur – Vanpackers is not responsible for variations in the exchange rate in case of price disparity.
10.1. Subscription to the minimum protection offered by Baroudeur – Vanpackers is mandatory for each rental. If you wish to use your own insurance (F.A.Q. 27), please read the table below and contact Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers.
10.2. Insurance provided by credit cards in no way replaces the protection of the Baroudeur – Vanpackers, but can supplement it.
10.3. In the event of an accident with a vehicle, you must inform Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers immediately. An event report/police report must be completed, regardless of the responsibility or the seriousness of the incident. In the event that an event report/police report is not completed, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers reserves the right to construct the lessee for all the damage, in excess of the deductible provided. We will do our best to help you on your trip, if possible.
10.4. No refunds will be issued on days lost in the event of an accident.
10.5. If the vehicle must be immobilized for more than 24 hours following a breakdown or any problem not resulting from Misuse or negligence and upon confirmation from the garage where the vehicle is towed, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers will do everything possible to provide a replacement vehicle. In all cases, Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers is committed to providing excellent service and to doing its utmost to withstand any potential inconvenience. Improper use or negligence can result in: wrong fuel, dead battery from using interior lights for a long period of time, misuse of cooler power cable, etc.
10.6. Personal effects are not covered by our coverage. It is recommended that you purchase third-party travel insurance.
10.7. No protection will cover negligence or will be offered in the event of hit-and-run, reckless or impaired driving.
10.8. To benefit from roadside assistance, you must contact Le Baroudeur – Vanpackers or the assistance number provided. If a third party service is used without prior authorization from Baroudeur – Vanpackers, the costs incurred will not be reimbursed.
10.9. In the event of use of a roadside assistance service not included in the chosen protection package, l the costs will be entirely the responsibility of the renter and charged according to the initial method of payment, without notice
10.10. Personal protection and the Baroudeur – Vanpackers have not committed the damage caused to the furnishings and equipment (cooler, stove, etc.).
Liablity coverage | $2 millions |
Deposit | $1500 |
Deductible** | $2500 |
Authorized drivers | 2 |
Minimum age required ** | 21 years |
Administrative costs | $150 |
Fire, theftand/or vandalism | Included |
Roadside assistance | BASIC |
Liablity coverage | $2 millions |
Deposit | $1500 |
Deductible** | $1500 |
Authorized drivers | 4 |
Minimum age required ** | 21 years |
Administrative costs | $0 |
Fire, theftand/or vandalism | Included |
Roadside assistance | Premium |
Liablity coverage | N/A |
Deposit | $1500 |
Deductible** | $2500 |
Authorized drivers | 1 |
Minimum age required*** | 21 years |
Administrative costs | $300 |
Fire, theftand/or vandalism | N/A |
Roadside assistance | Not included |
* * F.A.Q. 27 protection only applies to Quebec drivers with valid coverage in Quebec offered by their own insurance. Proof of this coverage (commonly called Amendment 27 or F.A.Q 27) confirming the protection, its options as well as civil liability in the minimum amount required by the SAAQ must be provided with the reservation. Administrative costs in the event of an incident will be debited from the credit card entered in the reservation file. To add a second driver, a second proof of coverage applies.
**Young driver fee applicable for driver under 25 and over 21.
Roadside assistance offered
Assistance radius around the vehicle | 10 km |
Flat tire/towing aid | Included |
Battery boost | Included |
Gasoline delivery (6 L.) | Included |
Door unlocking | – |
Free tire replacement & windshield repair | – |
Accommodation in the event of loss of usufruct of the vehicle following a mechanical problem. | – |
Courtesy vehicle if immobilized for more than 24 hours following a mechanical breakdown. | – |
Winching | – |
Assistance radius around the vehicle | 100 km |
Flat tire/towing aid | Included |
Battery boost | Included |
Gasoline delivery (6 L.) | Included |
Door unlocking | Included |
Free tire replacement & windshield repair | Included |
Accommodation in the event of loss of usufruct of the vehicle following a mechanical problem. | Included |
Courtesy vehicle if immobilized for more than 24 hours following a mechanical breakdown. | Included |
Winching | Included |
* In this document, the use of the masculine to designate persons is for no other purpose than to simplify the text.