by Gab Le Baroudeur | 24 Sep, 2021 | Conseils, En lumière
The road trip, we think about it, we want to, we prepare for a long time, and when it arrives, we want to enjoy 100% ! This is why we have selected for you the essential applications for a successful road trip in Quebec ! No more old paper map that ended up...
by Gab Le Baroudeur | 23 Sep, 2021 | En lumière, Voyages
If you’re planning a 1st trip in Quebec, there is a good chance that, like 90% of road trippers, you want to discover the Saguenay Fjord. And you are right! Everything in this area is simply beautiful 😉 It’s part of the favourite destination fora road trip in Quebec,...
by Louise | 22 Sep, 2021 | Conseils, En lumière, Expériences
Is a road trip with a converted minivan is made for me? Do I have place for all my things??I’m scared of sleeping alone at night, are we safe outside of campgrounds? We decided to ask these questions to our experienced vanpackers, who left on Canada roads this...
by Marie-Pier | 9 Sep, 2021 | Conseils, En lumière
Here we are! Your next road trip is coming up and you’re preparing the last thing you need: Do I have enough warm clothes? Did I picked up my phone charge cable? What do we eat?! We’d like to propose you to add one more question on your list: How can you take...
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